Monday, April 7, 2008

Girlfriend, writing, and peace.

My attitude about life and things has been really smooth lately. Smooth is the only word I can use to describe it. Circumstances in my life have been rather up and down with job-issues, but everything else is simply peaceful. I spent 3 days with a good girlfriend of mine shopping, writing a song, walking and discussing the frivolity of our circumstances and situations. It was good. It was good to have a friend to shop with me in stores that are my favorites and have her immediately understand why I love them. Silly? Maybe, but wonderful. It was good to write a song with no pressure for greatness, just simplicity, under-analyzing every lyric. It was good to have her here during a week that I got some more bad news from the church where I work. Good to have another sounding-board.
At the end of last week, Nick and I went up to Gatlinburg to spend a few days relaxing with my parents at the end of their week vacation. Nick and dad continued to bond over boy-stuff in the BassPro Shop and beer tastings at a brewery. Mom and I shopped for clothes and jewelry and such and the rain didn't get in the way of our night spent in the hot-tub or our meandering down mainstreet. No real fussing or pressure or nagging which sometimes comes with visits from out-of-town parents/in-laws. Just smoothness. Peace.
I think I am settling in to living. In the moment.
I'm almost to the year mark of my marriage and things are wonderfully joyful and peaceful in our simple lives. Even amongst the junk that life keeps throwing my way, I am content. I have this underlying peace even when tears fall and anxieties creep in. It's all gonna be okay. Just live.

1 comment:

Anne Dean said...

I can't wait to catch up. Love this post.